SUBJECT #1 - ANCIENT HUMAN DISEASES: In human history, the disease is not just a subject of medical research. Much of human health and disease is determined by the environment and socio-economic conditions. For the past decades, I have conducted scientific research on the history of diseases in East Asia using medical research techniques.
SUBJECT #2 - THE ANIMALS: The historical analysis of health and disease of domesticated animals is very important in understanding human pathology.To reveal how livestock diseases have affected human health in history, I have conducted works on domesticated animals in East Asia through historical, genetic, and zooarchaeological research
SUBJECT #3 - THE PLANTS: In human history, the beginning of agriculture and human diseases are much more closely related than expected. As crop cultivation began, many changes in society gave convenience and abundance compared to the era of making a living by hunting. However, agriculture also had a great influence on the history of human diseases due to poor crops and changes in cultivated crops. In this sense, the study of agriculture in East Asia and the identification of related disease history are very important.
SUBJECT #4 - THE FINAL PRODUCT OF THIS PROJECT: After examining the historical changes in the diseases of human and animals, and crop ecology, the relationship between them would be revealed to obtain answers to the following several questions. How did human diseases link with changes in the surrounding environment? Was human disease related to the spread of animal diseases? How did the success or failure of crop production affect human diseases and lives?

July 16, 2024

Pre-20th Century Human Diseases Reported by My Lab: Complete Publication List


J2021-1. Anne Grauer, 藤田尚, 申東勳. 古病理学研究の回顧と展望. 考古学ジャーナル

J2021-2. Karl Reinhard, 藤田尚, 申東勳. 考古寄生虫学. 考古学ジャーナル.

J2021-3. Francisca Cardoso, 申東勳. 古病理研究の国際的動向. 考古学ジャーナル.

B2023-3. 藤田 尚 (編集), 申 東勳 (編集). 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)

J2023-3. 申東勳,藤田尚,洪宗河. 人類史における都市化の過程と寄生虫感染症. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)

J2023-4. ヴァサント・シンデー,金容俊,申東勳,小茄子川 歩. 生物人類学と古病理学からみたインダス都市の繁栄と衰退. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)

J2023-5. 藤田尚・Piers Mitchell・申東勳. 医学的見地からみた都市化とヒトの疾病. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)

J2023-6. 李 陽洙・申 東勳. 最新の発掘調査で明らかになった古代韓国の都市の発展と都市民の生活. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)

J2023-7. 藤田尚・申東勳. 総論:都市民の生活と疾病― 東アジア的モデルの模索 ―. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)

KM2020-6. 藤田尙, 이혜진, 홍종하, 신동훈. 고인골 치아에서 확인되는 스트레스 지표. 한국의 고고학 48권. 

KM2020-7. 藤田尙, 이혜진, 신동훈. 옛사람 인골에서 보이는 풍습적 치아발치. 한국의 고고학 48권.


E2023-3. CS Oh, JY Chai, S Min, KT Oh, J Seol, MK Song, DH Shin, M Seo. Updates of Joseon Period Parasite Infection Prevalence by Parasitological Studies on Human Coprolites from Archaeological Sites of Euijeongbu, Gumi and Wonju Cities. Parasit Host Dis. 61 (1), 89-93.

E2023-9. Chai JY, Seo M, Shin DH. Paleoparasitology Research in Korea: Ancient Helminth Eggs and Larvae Detected in Archaeological Samples. Parasit Host Dis. 2023 Nov;61(4):345-387. 

E2019-11. Slepchenko S.M., Kozlov A.I., Bugmyrin S.V. and Shin D.H. Comparison of helminth infection among the native populations of the arctic and subarctic areas in Western Siberia throughout history: parasitological researches on contemporary and the archaeoparasitological resources. Korean J Parasitol. 2019. 57(6): 607-612.

E2019-13. Seo M, Chai J-Y, Hong JH, Shin DH. Reconsideration of Dr. Allen’s Report about Hemoptysis Patients from High Prevalence of Archaeoparasitological Paragonimiasis in Korea. Korean J Parasitol. 2019. 57(6): 635-638.

E2019-14. Zhan X, Yeh H-Y, Shin DH, Chai J-Y, Seo M, Mitchell PD. Differential Change in the Prevalence of the Ascaris, Trichuris and Clonorchis infection Among Past East Asian Populations. Korean J Parasitol. 2019. 57(6): 601-605.

E2018-13. Shin, D.H., Kim, Y.J., Bisht, R.S., Dangi, V., Shirvalkar, P., Jadhav, N., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Chai, J.-Y., Seo, M. and Shinde, V., 2018. Archaeoparasitological Strategy Based on the Microscopic Examinations of Prehistoric Samples and the Recent Report on the Difference in the Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminthic Infections in the Indian Subcontinent. Ancient Asia, 9, p.6. DOI: 

E2017-1. Seo M, Oh CS, Hong JH, Chai J-Y, Cha SC, Bang Y, Cha IG, Wi YG, Park JM and Shin DH. Estimation of Parasite Infection Prevalence of Joseon People by Paleoparasitological Data Updates from the Coprolites of Pre-modern Korean Mummies. 2017. Anthropological Science 125 (1): 9-14.

E2017-5. Dong Hoon Shin, Yi-Suk Kim, Dong Soo Yoo, Myeung Ju Kim, Chang Seok Oh, Jong Ha Hong, Eunju Lee, Jong Yil Chai, Min Seo. A case of ectopic paragonimiasis in a 17th century Korean mummy. 2017. Journal of Parasitology. 103(4): 399-403. 

E2017-8. Shin DH, Chai J-Y, Hong JH, Seo M. Historical details about the meat consumption pattern and taeniases during Joseon period. 2017. Korean Journal of Parasitology. 55(4): 457-460.

E2014-1. Seo M, Oh CS, Chai J-Y, Jeong MS, Hong SW, Seo Y-M, Shin DH. The Changing Pattern of Parasitic Infection among Korean Populations by Paleoparasitological Study of Joseon Dynasty Mummies. Journal of Parasitology 2014 Feb;100(1):147-50.

E2014-4. Seo M, Araujo A, Reinhard K, Chai JY, Shin DH. Paleoparasitological studies on mummies of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea. Korean J Parasitol. 2014 Jun;52(3):235-42.

E2014-11. Myeung Ju Kim, Ho Chul Ki, Shiduck Kim, Jong Yil Chai, Min Seo, Chang Seok Oh and Dong Hoon Shin. Parasitic infection patterns as correlated with urban-rural recycling of night soils in Korea and other East Asian countries: the archaeological and historical evidence. Korean Studies 2014;38: 51-74

K2014-4. 기호철, 신동훈, 서민, 채종일. 조선시대흡충류감염기전에대한고찰. 대한의사협회지2014; 57(10): 866-875.

K2013-1. 기호철, 배재훈, 신동훈. 조선후기 한양도성내 토양매개성 기생충 감염원인에 대한 역사문헌학적 고찰. 의사학 2013; 22: 89-132. 

B2020-1. Shin DH, Seo M, Shim SY, Hong JH, Kim J. (2020) Urbanization and Parasitism: Archaeoparasitology of South Korea. In: Betsinger T.K., DeWitte S.N. (eds) The Bioarchaeology of Urbanization. Bioarchaeology and Social Theory. Springer, Cham.

B2020-12. Reinhard K., Slepchenko S., Shin D.H. (2020) Archaeoparasitology. In: Smith C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham.

B2015-1. Seo M and Shin DH. Parasitism, cesspits and sanitation in East Asian countries prior to modernization. In: Sanitation, Latrines and Intestinal Parasites in Past Populations, edited by Piers D. Mitchell. 2015. Farnham: Ashgate  

[Linear Enamel Hypoplasia]

E2024-2. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Shin DH, Slepchenko S. Difference in linear enamel hypoplasia frequency between the 16th- to 19th-century agrarian populations of the Korean Joseon dynasty and Siberian Russia. 2024. Anthropological Science. 132(1): 39–45.

[Dental Calculus]

E2022-5. Lee H, Hong JH, Tataurova L, Slepchenko S, Kim J, Shin DH. Dental Calculi of Siberian Natives, Russian Settlers, and Korean People of Joseon Dynasty Period in the 16th to 19th Century Eurasia Continent. Biomed Res Int. 2022 May 9;2022: 5765604. doi: 10.1155/2022/5765604. PMID: 35592522; PMCID: PMC9112181. 


E2022-6. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Slepchenko S, Shin DH. Porotic Hyperostosis Observed in the 16th to 19th Century Crania of Native Siberians, Russian Settlers, and Joseon Dynasty Koreans.  Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia. 50/2 (2022) 150–156.


K2013-2. Kim Y-S, Kim DK, Oh CS, Kim MJ, Kim H-R, Shin DH. Evidence of Periostitis in Joseon Dynasty Skeletons. Korean J Phys Anthropol Vol. 26, No. 2 (2013) pp. 81~90.

[Diaphragmatic Hernia]

E2022-8. Koh E, Lee DY, Yoo D, Kim MJ, Lee IS, Hong JH, Park SJ, Kim J, Cha SC, Lee H, Oh CS, Shin DH. Revisiting diaphragmatic hernia of Joseon period Korean mummy by three-dimensional liver and heart segmentation and model reconstruction. Anat Cell Biol. 2022 Dec 31;55(4):507-511. doi: 10.5115/acb.22.092. Epub 2022 Aug 11. PMID: 35948525; PMCID: PMC9747339.

E2014-6. Yi-Suk Kim, In Sun Lee, Go-Un Jung; Chang Seok Oh, Dong Su Yoo, Won Joon Lee, Eunju Lee, Soon Chul Cha, Dong Hoon Shin. Radiological Diagnosis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in 17th century Korean Mummy. PLoS ONE 9(7): e99779. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099779

[Osteochondrosis dissecans]

E2021-3. Lee H, Koh K, Cha M, Namkoong T, Park SJ, Lee DH, Kim JE, Shin DH. Osteochondrosis dissecans in glenoid cavity of Korean War casualty's scapula. Anat Cell Biol. 2021 Jun 30;54(2):292-296. doi: 10.5115/acb.21.063. PMID: 34162767; PMCID: PMC8225481.

[Physical Changes]

E2020-4. Min YS, Oh CS, Hong JH, Shin DH, Hwang Y-I. Ancient to modern secular changes in the cranial/cephalic index in Korea: historical brachycephalization and recent debrachycephalization. Anat Sci Int. 2020 Jun;95(3):363-373. doi: 10.1007/s12565-020-00529-z. Epub 2020 Feb 21.

E2018-12. Woo, E.J., P. Waghmare, Y. Kim, N. Jadhav, G.U. Jung, W.J. Lee, Y. Yadav, A. Munshi, M. Chatterjee, A. Panyam, J.H. Hong, C.S. Oh, D.H. Shin, V. Shinde 2018. Assessing the physical and pathological traits of human skeletal remains from cemetery localities at the Rakhigarhi site of the Harappan Civilization. Anthropological Science 126(2): 111-120.

E2012-5. Shin DH, Oh CS, Kim Y-S, Hwang Y-I. Ancient-to-modern secular changes in Korean stature. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Volume 147, Issue 3, pages 433–442, March 2012. 

[Traumatic Injury]

E2019-1. Lee, H., Waghmare, P., Kim, Y., Hong, J. H., Yadav, Y., Jadhav, N., Shin, D. H., and Shinde, V. S. (2019). Traumatic injury in a cranium found at Rakhigarhi cemetery of Harappan civilization as anthropological evidence of interpersonal violence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23: 362–367.

E2017-11. Lee H, Oh CS, Hong JH, Kim J, Han L, Park JM and Shin DH. The presence of sharp-edged weapon related cut mark in Joseon skull discovered at the 16th century market district of Old Seoul City ruins in South Korea. 2017. Anat Cell Biol 50: 306-309.

K2014-1. 김이석, 오창석, 김명주, 기호철, 홍지윤, 김시덕, 신동훈. 조선시대 회곽묘에서 확인된 사람 정강뼈에 나타난 톱자국에 대한 법의인류학적 고찰. 대한체질인류학회지2014; 27(1): 29-37.  

[Gunshot Wound]

E2013-3. Kim Y-S, Kim MJ, Yu T-Y, Lee IS, Yi YS, Oh CS and Shin DH. Bioarchaeological investigation of possible gunshot wounds in 18th century human skeletons from Korea. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. Volume 23, Issue 6, pages 716–722, November/December 2013.


E2013-6. Kim DG, Kim MJ, Kim Y-S, Oh CS, Lee S-S, Lim SB, and Shin DH. Long bone fractures identified in the Joseon Dynasty human skeletons of Korea. Anatomy & Cell Biology. 2013. 46: 203-209. 

E2009-1. Lee IS, Lee EJ, Park JB, Baek SH, Oh CS, Lee SD, Kim YS, Bok GD, Hong JW, Lim DS, Shin MH, Seo M, Shin DH. 2009. Acute traumatic death of a 17th century general based on examination of mummified remains found in Korea. Ann Anat. Jun;191(3):309-20. Epub 2009 Mar 11.

[Dental Caries]

E2019-2. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Kim YJ, Hong Y, Shin DH and Slepchenko S. Caries, antemortem tooth loss and tooth wear observed in indigenous peoples and Russian settlers of 16th to 19th century West Siberia. Arch Oral Biol. Volume 98, February 2019, Pages 176-181. 

E2010-3. Han SS, Baek KW, Shin MH, Kim J, Oh CS, Lee SJ, Shin DH. 2010. Dental caries prevalence of medieval Korean people. Arch Oral Biol. 55 (7): 535-540. 

KM2020-1. 藤田尙, 이혜진, 신동훈. 치아우식증-충치의 인류학 -일본 발굴 고 인골 치아에 대한 연구 사례를 중심으로- 한국의 고고학. 

[Deformity in Teeth]

KM2020-2. 藤田尙, 이혜진, 신동훈. 고인골에서 관찰되는 치아의 형태이상. 한국의 고고학 47권. 96-103.


E2018-1. Shin DH, Oh CS, Hong JH, Lee H, Lee SD, Lee E. Helicobacter pylori DNA obtained from the stomach specimens of two 17th century Korean mummies. Anthropol Anz. 2018 Feb 1;75(1):75-87. 

[Horse-riding Accidents]

E2018-4. Ki HC, Shin E-K, Woo EJ, Lee E, Shin DH. Horse-riding accidents and injuries in historical records of Joseon Dynasty, Korea. International Journal of Paleopathology Volume 20, March 2018, Pages 20–25. 


E2018-9. Shin DH, Seo M, Chai J-Y, Hong JH and Lee E. Paleopathological Considerations on Malaria Infection in Korea before the 20th Century. Biomed Research International 2018: 8516785. 

[Lumbosacral Defects]

E2018-10. Yi-Suk Kim, Hankyu Kim, Jong Ha Hong, Hye-Jin Lee, Myung Ju Kim, and Dong Hoon Shin. Lumbosacral Defects in a 16th–18th-Century Joseon Dynasty Skeletal Series from Korea. BioMed Research International. 2018: 7406797.


E2018-17. Shin DH, Lee HJ, Hong JH, Woo EJ, Shin E, Kim Y-S, Ki HC and Lee E. Historical approach to syphilis infection in Korea before 20th century. Acta Med Hist Adriat 2018; 16(2);185-202.


E2017-9. Dong Hoon Shin, Chang Seok Oh, Jong Ha Hong, Yusu Kim, Soong Deok Lee, Eunju Lee. Paleogenetic Study on the 17th Century Korean Mummy with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. 2017. PLOS ONE 12(8): e0183098. 

E2015-4. Kim MJ, Kim Y-S, Oh CS, Go J-H, Lee IS, Park W-K, Cho S-M, Kim S-K, Shin DH. Anatomical Confirmation of Computed Tomography-Based Diagnosis of the Atherosclerosis Discovered in 17th Century Korean Mummy. 2015. PLOS ONE 10(3): e0119474. 

[Torus Mandibularis]

E2017-10. Cho H, Shin DH, Kim Y, Kim H. Torus mandibularis in skeletal remains from the Joseon Dynasty and modern Korea. 2017. Anthropological Science. 125(3): 153-158.


E2016-3. Kim Y-S, Lee IS, Oh CS, Kim MJ, Cha SC and Shin DH. Calcified Pulmonary Nodules Identified in 350-Year-Old-Joseon Mummy: The First Report on Ancient Pulmonary Tuberculosis from Archaeologically Obtained Pre-modern Korean Samples. 2016. Journal of Korean Medical Science 31(1): 147-151. 


K2019-1. 신동훈, 신은경. 생물 인류학 연구와 관련 지어 본 조선시대 나병 환자의 삶과 죽음. 해부생물인류학. 2019 Jun; 32(2): 53-59. (Korean)

[Degenerative Arthropathy]

E2016-5. Shin DH, Jung G-U, Oh CS, Kim MJ and Kim Y-S. Paleopathological patterns of degenerative arthropathy: prevalence of limb-joint osteoarthritis in pre-modern Joseon people skeletons of South Korea. 2016. The Anthropologist 24(3): 702-710.

[Bone Tumors]

E2015-9. Shin DH, Oh CS and Kim MJ. Bone tumors in pre-modern skulls from human skeletal series of Joseon Dynasty. 2015. Anatomy and Cell Biology 48: 213-217

KM2020-5. 藤田尙, 이혜진, 신동훈. 고인골 턱뼈에서 확인된 양성 및 악성종양들. 한국의 고고학 48권.

[Harris Line]

E2014-2. Jaewon Beom, Eun Jin Woo, In Sun Lee, Myeung Ju Kim, Yi-Suk Kim, Chang Seok Oh, Sang-Seob Lee, Sang Beom Lim and Dong Hoon Shin. Harris Lines Observed in Human Skeletons of Joseon Dynasty, Korea. Anat Cell Biol 2014. 47:66-72.


E2014-7. Israel Hershkovitz, Mark Spigelman, Do-Sun Lim, In Sun Lee, Chang Seok Oh, Hila May, Elisabetta Boaretto, Yi-Suk Kim, Soong Deok Lee, Natan Peled, Myeung Ju Kim, Talya Toledano, Gila Kahila Bar-Gal and Dong Hoon Shin. A possible case of Cherubism in a 17th-century Korean female mummy. PLOS ONE 9(8):e102441. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102441

[Vertebral Osteophytes]

E2012-1. Kim DK, Kim MJ, Kim Y-S, Oh CS, Shin DH. Vertebral osteophyte of pre-modern Korean skeletons from Joseon tombs. Anatomy& Cell Biology. 2012. 45:274-281.


E2012-2. Kahila Bar-Gal G, Kim MJ, Klein A, Shin DH, Oh CS, Kim JW, Kim TH, Kim SB, Grant PR, Pappo O, Spigelman M, Shouval D. Tracing hepatitis B virus to the 16th century in a Korean mummy. Hepatology. 2012 Nov;56(5):1671-80. 

[Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis]

E2012-8. Kim MJ, Lee IS, Kim Y-S, Oh CS, Park JB, Shin MH and Shin DH. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis cases found in Joseon Dynasty Human Sample Collection of Korea. International journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2012. 22(2) 235–244. 

[Rheumatoid Arthritis]

E2010-1. Kim DK, Lee IS, Kim W-L, Lee JS, Koh BJ, Kim MJ, Youn MY, Shin MH, Kim YS, Lee S-S, Oh CS and Shin DH. Possible Rheumatoid Arthritis Found in the Human Skeleton Collected from the Tomb of Joseon Dynasty, Korea, Dating Back to the 1700s AD. 2009. International journal of Osteoarchaeology. 21 (2011): 136-149.