SUBJECT #1 - ANCIENT HUMAN DISEASES: In human history, the disease is not just a subject of medical research. Much of human health and disease is determined by the environment and socio-economic conditions. For the past decades, I have conducted scientific research on the history of diseases in East Asia using medical research techniques.
SUBJECT #2 - THE ANIMALS: The historical analysis of health and disease of domesticated animals is very important in understanding human pathology.To reveal how livestock diseases have affected human health in history, I have conducted works on domesticated animals in East Asia through historical, genetic, and zooarchaeological research
SUBJECT #3 - THE PLANTS: In human history, the beginning of agriculture and human diseases are much more closely related than expected. As crop cultivation began, many changes in society gave convenience and abundance compared to the era of making a living by hunting. However, agriculture also had a great influence on the history of human diseases due to poor crops and changes in cultivated crops. In this sense, the study of agriculture in East Asia and the identification of related disease history are very important.
SUBJECT #4 - THE FINAL PRODUCT OF THIS PROJECT: After examining the historical changes in the diseases of human and animals, and crop ecology, the relationship between them would be revealed to obtain answers to the following several questions. How did human diseases link with changes in the surrounding environment? Was human disease related to the spread of animal diseases? How did the success or failure of crop production affect human diseases and lives?

July 12, 2024

Publication List of Domesticated Animals


KM2024-1. 신동훈, 이양수, 홍종하, 고아라. 누에 사육의 기원과 역사적 확산과정의 고찰: 최신 고고학 및 유전학적 보고를 중심으로. 한국의 고고학. 63: 88-95. 


KM2024-2. 신혜주, 이양수, 홍종하, 고아라, 김수환, 신동훈. 돼지사육의 기원과 확산: 동물고고학 연구의 최신동향. 한국의 고고학. 


J2023-1.李陽洙・金智恩・洪宗河・申東勳. 考古学からみた韓半島における馬飼育様相の変遷. 動物考古學 (日本) Vol. 40. 1-10. 

E2022-4. Hong JH, Oh CS, Kim S, Kang IU, Shin DH. Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA from ancient Equus caballus bones found at archaeological site of Joseon dynasty period capital area. Anim Biosci. 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.5713/ab.21.0500. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35240033.

K2020-1. 홍종하, 강인욱, 신동훈, 김지은. 고고학 및 유전학적 연구결과를 중심으로 살펴본 사육말의 기원과 확산에 관한 검토. Anat Biol Anthropol. 2020 Jun;33(2):57-68. Korean.

E2018-4. Ki HC, Shin E-K, Woo EJ, Lee E, Shin DH. Horse-riding accidents and injuries in historical records of Joseon Dynasty, Korea. International Journal of Paleopathology Volume 20, March 2018, Pages 20–25. 


K2023-1. 홍종하, 이양수, 고아라, 신동훈. 황하유역 초기 사육소 및 시베리아 원우의 유전학적 특징을 통해 본 동아시아 소의 역사적 확산과정.  인문학연구. 55: 83~122.

E2022-2. Kim JE, Hong JH, Kim S, Shin DH. Histological Analysis of Cattle and Horse Bones Discovered at Archaeological Site in Old Seoul City Area of Joseon Dynasty Period. Ancient Asia. 13, p.3. DOI:

K2019-4. 홍종하, 신동훈. 유전학적 연구결과를 중심으로 살펴본 동북아시아 소의 기원과 확산. 한국상고사학보. 2019. 105: 259-277. (Korean)

E2018-5. Hong JH, Oh CS, Cho CW, Shin YM, Cho T, Shin DH. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Bos taurus bone collected from ruins of the Joseon Period in a tributary of the Cheonggyecheon creek, South Korea. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 17: 785-792. 


J2022-1. 申東勳, 金智恩, 洪宗河, 李陽洙. 朝鮮時代の日記史料から推定したニワトリの消費様相. 動物考古学. 39 号 pp.75-80(2022.3)

K2022-1. 김지은, 홍종하, 이양수, 신동훈. 동아시아 닭 사육의 확립 과정 및 그 역사적 전개– 동물고고학 최신 분석기법의 적용 사례를 중심으로. 동양학. 

KM2022-1. 김지은, 신동훈, 홍종하, 이혜진. 닭과 조류고고학: 鳥類 考古學의 解剖學的 區分 技法. 한국의 고고학.


K2020-2. 김선, 홍종하, 신동훈. 서울 종로구 공평동 유적 내 유기물 수혈에서 발견된 동물 뼈 검토. Anat Biol Anthropol. 2020 Jun;33(2):99-105. Korean.

K2022-2. 신동훈. 갑골문에 보이는 兕의 역사적 실체에 대한 연구. 문학석사 학위논문. 한국방송통신대학교 대학원. 

K2020-3. 김명주, 홍종하, 송우철, 신동훈. 생물인류학적 관점에서의 동물고고학 특집호에 대하여. Anat Biol Anthropol Vol. 33, No. 2 (2020) pp. 35~36.

KM2020-3. 홍종하, 강인욱, 신동훈. 동물 가축화에 대한 분자유전학적 최신 연구 현황. 한국의 고고학 47권. 10-21.